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Immagine del redattoreLuigi Corvaglia

Funny but not bright, part. 2: Bitter Winter and the organ harvesting in China

Aggiornamento: 6 dic 2023

Luigi Corvaglia

Massimo Introvigne signed an article for Bitter Winter that begins by stating that "while some occasionally funny but not particularly bright anti-cultists associated with FECRIS" claim that that organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience in China is a myth spread by that magazine, the European Parliament on May 5, 2022, passed a resolution expressing concern for state‑sanctioned organ harvesting from prisoners in the People’s Republic of China. Then the author complained that a case has been filed in Saint Petersburg against a Falun Gong website for having published an article about "the well-known and excellent organization DAFOH, Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting". Well, that FECRIS exponent, who is "funny but not particularly bright", is bright enough to know that DAFOH has close ties with Falun Gong. This is, for example, expressed in public documents, such as that of the Western Sidney Local Health District. The Transplantation Society (TTS) clearly stated in the American Journal of Transplantation (AJT) that "Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting (DAFOH) are perpetuating an unproven claim of 100,000 transplantations per year in China" and that their call for a complete moratorium against interactions with Chinese transplant specialists is exactly counter to the needs of the Chinese community today" because this is " 'giving oxygen' to the opponents of change in China by targeting those who are trying to bring about reform". You can read it here. According to a 2017 Washington Post report, research and reports debunked the claims that China is currently secretly performing 60,000 to 100,000 organ transplants per year. Data compiled by US company Quintiles IMS showed that Chinese demand for immunosuppressant drugs, which are needed to prevent patients' bodies from rejecting transplanted organs, was roughly in line with the number of transplants China said it was performing. On November 14 2018, Mark Field of the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office responded to a specific question on this issue in a debate in the House of Commons in London. He replied: 'we disagree with claims of systematic organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience, assessing that the evidence they present does not substantiate that claim'. Australia has taken a similar position. Nevertheless, an independent tribunal based in London, called the China Tribunal - Independent Tribunal into Forced Organ Harvesting from Prisoners of Conscience in China, has certified the veracity of organ harvesting. This body was founded by the International Coalition to End Transplant Abuse in China (ETAC). However, if you look at ETAC website, you will find that many members of the 'management' have close ties to The Epoch Times, the Falun Gong newspaper! As you go through the list of ETAC management, these connections with Falun Gong come up one by one for almost everyone. ETAC is very clearly a front group for Falun Gong. This obviously does not imply that this tribunal's findings are necessarily false, but that its vaunted independence is. It is to this tribunal's judgments that Bitter Winter refers in his articles on the topic.

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